
CE marking on a product indicates that the product complies with the rules within the EEA, the European Economic Area. CE stands for Conformité Européenne, which means compliance with European legislation. It is, moreover, no quality assurance or quality mark, but promotes on the other hand the free trade within the Member States and increases safety in the use of the products.

HMPA is at your service with advice on which products are eligible for CE marking and the guidance which leads to the CE marking.

Purpose of CE marking

By means of the CE marking you as a producer makes it demonstrable that your product complies with the European requirements in the field of safety and use. The CE marking is mandatory for all European companies engaged in manufacturing all kinds of different products, from a simple remote control, a medical device to a complex machine or installation. Without the required CE marking you as a company are in violation and risk a fine or perhaps further prosecution. HMPA can you deliver an advisory report, on the basis of which you can demonstrate that you meet the required regulations and that you may place the product or machine on the market or put into service.

Customized advice

The manufacturer of a product is so-called self-responsible for the affixing of CE marking. HMPA offers customized support with regard to the CE-marking. We research which machines or products are considered for the CE marking and offer you an overview of the applicable directives and the associated requirements in this area. Which means amongst others carrying out a structured risk assessment and determining which of the required documentation is available or available on request. Of course in addition we advise what improvements are needed to the marking.

Are you interested what we can mean for you?

Please fill in your details and we will contact you. On request we come along without obligation to view the considered product or machinery. Then we deploy a customized quotation usually on a fixed price

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